Posted in Blog, Reverse Engineer Post

Design and Color Reverse Engineer Post: Pool Party Pop of Color!

20+ Attention-Grabbing Event Poster Templates, Backgrounds ...

Introduction: Above you see the original poster. This is found on a Pinterest site entitled “55 + Creative Poster Ideas”. I chose it because I felt it represented each of the design elements we are to explain in this blog.


Alignment: Above, you see that each of the four sections of text are brought together by having the same alignment. Although each section is about a different element of the party, the strong flush left helps the reader know that all of the information is related. It also gives a good flow to the reader’s eye. The reader doesn’t have to look around to piece the needed information together. The eye can easily read from line to line and absorb the information accordingly.

Contrast: Below, we see that three of the text sections include contrasting fonts. This gives diversity to the text so the eye doesn’t lose interest but rather continues to read and take in the information on the poster. We also see contrast in that the “Pool Party” text is a completely different text, adding interest and excitement into the visual effect of the poster. The visual of this poster is nicely broken up by the silver pool ladder; something completely different than the rest of the elements.

Repetition: Below, the repetition of the poster is demonstrated. There is repetition in the three smaller sections of text that draws the full length of the poster together. Although the very top section of text flip flops the fonts from how the two bottom sections of text are arranged, the fonts are nevertheless repeated. This draws your eye all along the full length of the poster and past the line of color that might otherwise separate the line of the eye, splitting the upper half of the poster from the bottom half. The continued fonts coagulate to bring harmony to the flow of the information the reader needs to take in. As mentioned earlier, the repetition of text alignment helps organize the information.

Proximity: Below, we see how the information is organized into categories by proximity. The top section gives the basic information; it’s a party, it is at a pool, the theme is Summer Love, and it is being hosted by Benny and Alyssa. The bottom section is more of the “business” end of the information. The first bottom section of text explains what amenities will be offered. The last section of text gives the date and logistics of the party.

Color: Below, we see an extraordinary use of color. Using bold choices from the color wheel, which include variations of two of the three primary colors, each half of the poster stands out. The colors draw your eye across the entire page. Although they are not directly across from each other on the color wheel, blue and yellow are complementary colors. Yellow’s close proximity to orange (blue’s direct complementary color) gives it the contrast this poster needs in color in order to stay interesting! These colors also have a relationship with the topics of the party the poster is advertising. The word “summer” is easily represented by the bright yellow, which is associated with the sun. The bright blue represents water, which corresponds with the word “pool”. The colors do an excellent job of representing the “feel” of summer!

Conclusion: The Pool Party poster is a great example of all of the design elements because each helps use the other like a chain link of design. Repetition is used in both the alignment, the font, and the grouping of text. Color creates interest and the “pop” that draws a reader to the poster. The contrast of text, color, and shape stirs our interest. The proximity of text groupings brings the informational part of the poster to life! Each of these elements makes this poster both interesting and informative.


Having gone through most of my life believing I had no natural talents I was, one day, joyfully cleaning my home. I love to clean! Suddenly I realized that, although I may never be an expert mathematician or a concert pianist, I do have a natural talent - one for cleaning! I absolutely love to transform a dirty home into a clean home and a clean home into an ultra-clean home! My talent not only brings me joy but it brings others joy as well! As a hard-working mother of three with a career once told me, "When I come home after a long day of work and open my door to a clean home full of organization and beautiful smells, my heart automatically relaxes and I'm happy to be home!"

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